Hey everyone!
I have two ways to contact me for new art! One is through Scratch (Its a old account that I barely use, thats why most art isn't that good.) and ROBLOX, Which is a gaming site. I game there, but I don't create the games.. I will have the URL in this so you can check out my accounts!
Scratch : https://scratch.mit.edu/users/isabel8854/
ROBLOX : https://web.roblox.com/users/108090075/profile
You can add those sites to the left side bar by going to Account Settings (gear icon), then Websites and Contact Info.
If you're hard up for a story or anecdote to animate, try looking in the Writing Portal here: http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/forum/18 Best of luck!
Thanks, VicariousE!
I was needing a lot of help, so this will make a great story! And best of luck to you!